Thriving Streatham Spring Community Fair
In partnership with Streatham AT Medics PCN
On Friday the 18th of March the Spring Community Fair took off at 2-8 Gracefeild Gardens SW16 2ST.
The 6 hour community advice event was attended by 9 organisations who hosted their own stall including:
1. Age UK Lambeth
2. WLM( West London Mission)
3. Clear Community Web
4. South London cares
5. Carers Hub
6. Health Watch Lambeth
7. BIC (Back In Control Agency)
8. Re-engage
9. PPG Chair of Streatham Common Practice (Streatham PCN)
Jon-Jon from WLM and Ollie Age UK Lambeth

James, Carers Hub

Sara, Healthwatch Lambeth

Elle, South London Cares

Casper, Clear community web

Veronica, BIC

Hannah & Rami, Re-engage

I was asked by a patient what made me and Ollie start the community advice events?
My response was throughout the Covid 19 pandemic, we supported the community by connecting them to resources while in crisis, but I became very aware that the community needed more from us.
They need support on a wider scale and the only way we can help them is by working in collaboration where possible.
We needed to create a space where their is no competition, we share resources and bridge the gap in Streatham.
Social Prescribing is a major part of the NHS long-term plan and community development is an essential pillar to tackling health and social inequalities.
By hosting these fairs we create opportunity for people to connect with others, find out about services they are not aware of and become more proactive in gaining the support they need. Whether we have one person get support or 100 people we are passionate about helping the community improve the wider determinants of health.

Me with George a patient from Streatham High Practice who received social prescribing support last year. Some of the quotes we had from patients and residents that attended:
I had no idea that I could receive donated phones I cant afford to buy a brand new one, now I know where to go when I'm in need!
Victor age 67
I'm semi-retired but sometimes I get bored. It's good that I can get volunteering opportunities with Age UK"
Claire age 62
I haven't had a meal since yesterday afternoon. I came here to visit the mental health team now i'm having lunch with you and feel like I have met an angel. We need more people like you in this world truly bless you and thank you!
Andrea (age not disclosed)
Our next community fair will be sometime in summer where we will utilize green space and have outdoor activities.
A huge thank you to all the organizations that came and supported us on the day, we look forward to seeing you at the next event!
Feel free to email us if you have any local community projects you want to be shared or promoted via
As ever take care, stay safe, and stay connected!